Book Review: "Choose" by Ryan Levesque

Book Review: "Choose" by Ryan Levesque
Choose, by Ryan Levesque

Choose- The Single Most Important Decision Before Starting Your Business

Ryan Levesque's "Choose" provides practical wisdom for the modern entrepreneur. This book goes beyond traditional business advice, offering a wealth of resources, including valuable online bonuses that enhance the reader's understanding and application of the concepts discussed. One of the most striking ideas in "Choose" is that failure is not just a possibility but a necessity. Levesque argues that we should expect, and even aim for, many, if not most, of our ideas to fail. This concept resonates with my experiences in IT and cybersecurity, where risk-taking and learning from failure are integral to innovation and progress.

Levesque's emphasis on distraction-free brainstorming is crucial for entrepreneurs. It aligns with the importance of clear, focused thinking in technology and business strategy. The book advocates a multi-faceted approach to brainstorming and considering products, markets, and customers, which reflects my interdisciplinary approach to problem-solving. The concept of tiering offerings: Inexpensive or Free (In), Midmarket (Up), and Premium (Max)—is a tactical approach that can be particularly effective across varying markets where customer needs and budgets vary widely.

I find the most alignment with Levesque's concept of a "Mission-Based" business. This resonates with my personal and professional journey, driven by a strong sense of purpose and a commitment to making a meaningful impact. While Levesque also discusses Passion-based, Opportunity-based, and Undecided models, the Mission-Based approach is where I see the most significant parallel with my own path.Levesque's advice to leverage technology, search engines, SEO, and social networks, all grounded in data and metrics, is particularly pertinent in today's digital age. This aligns with my professional experience, where data-driven strategies are paramount.

The adage "Pioneers get shot and settlers get rich" highlighted in the book is a sobering reminder of the risks and rewards in business. It speaks to the importance of timing and strategy in market entry, a concept I've encountered in my professional and academic endeavors. Finally, the emphasis on answering the SMIQ (Single Most Important Question) and understanding the market, model, and message before launch is crucial. This comprehensive approach to business planning and execution mirrors the strategic thinking necessary in cybersecurity and IT.

"Choose" by Ryan Levesque is a good starting guide for any entrepreneur, particularly those in the technology sector - hint - that's all of us now (and always has been); every business is a technology business. The book offers practical strategies, insights, and a realistic understanding of the modern market landscape. It is a useful resource for people launching a new venture.

I extend my thanks to Prescott Paulin for the suggestion!

Choose- The Single Most Important Decision Before Starting Your Business